Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 4 Shoulders/Abs

My body is sore today which is good! Shoulder workout was ok.... I think I was lacking energy tonight. But I still tried. Abs were good. They are so weak that anything will help at this point!!!! I am looking forward to the weekend. Although there will be no cheat meals at all. Only allowing myself to drink Vodka and crystal light one night. We are going on Saturday to Hooters for a date night!!! Well.. normally it would be wings and beer! Well... this time I am drinking Vodka and water w/crystal light and getting a salad with fat free dressing and boiled shrimp! LOL Wow.... Im pretty hard core right now but I am have to be if i want this weight gone.... The next 3 days are supposed to be off days. But i think i will run a mile or two tomorrow to make me feel like Im pushing along a little harder. This picture below is the swimsuit that I want to wear on our trip to Galveston in June for our anniversary... Man I sure hope I can make it happen!!!!!

Day 3 - Leg Day

Today Cher, Leslie and I decided to get out for lunch. Zoe's it is! Well... I decided to look up the calorie/fat in the meal that I always get. I mean It's chicken kabobs with a salad and "healthy non mayo slaw". Well,.... This "healthy " dish was FAR from healthy!!!!!! 45 grams of FAT!!!!! What!!!! That's not even including the "lite" dressing on the salad!!!! Well, needless to say i have changed my "favorite" dish from Zoes! I got a cup of Ckn Orzo soup and 1/2 a Dry Turkey Sandwich. It was delish! And Healthy!!!! As far as my workout... it was ok. It's a little hard at home trying to modify exercises with machines. But none the less I still tried my hardest!

Still 113.5

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day two - Back & Biceps

Today was a good day! Back exercises kicked my booty! I had to modify a little since I am working out at home. I did run a mile tonight pushing my lil 21lb man WITH FLAT TIRES on the jogging stroller!!! MAn, that was hard.... didn't realize they needed air until we were done! Ready for tomorrow leg workout!!!!!

113.5lbs tonight....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day One Chest & Triceps

Today was day one and the workout was chest and triceps! I decided to use my 8lb weight tonight and I know tomorrow I'm going to be sore!!! I am having to modify the workout a bit since I am doing it from home and not the gym.looking forward to tomorrow's workout!! My diet today: Protein shake with water Egg beaters w/2slices 100% whole wheat toast pesto chicken with gnocchi for lunch (higher in the fat than I should b eating) 7 almonds protein shake with water Mexican chicken with cheese lettuce tomatoe jalapeƱo (pretty much a salad) w/ crystal light Supplements: Vitamin c 2 calcium Multiple vitamin Pre workout- 1/2 scoop no explode Now , I am not going to lie I am hungry while I'm typing this!!! It will take a few days to get used to cutting carbs after 6! I should have a protein shake but I am too tired aka lazy to get put of bed. Not bad for a first day. As the days go on I will eliminate little things out of my diet like the cheese....... Im so ready..... Maybe I should get a new bikini for motivation! Mikie said we would buy me some new clothes when I reach my goal! Weight as of yesterday: 118 (heavier than I've ever been minus pregnancy)
Tonight i weighed 115.5 I think I am losing water weight from the weekend of crazy eating and sodium overload! Either way I will take it!!

Me..... I know your in there somewhere......

So basically this blog is about me getting back to me! After being pregnant, having our son 10 weeks early, getting on lexapro, getting on thyroid meds and adjusting to life after baby....... 16 months post Kye I am beyond ready to get myself back! After working out moderately and changing my diet nothing was happening! I visited with my doctor and she did all types of bloodwork. Thyroid was good since I've been on the meds and everything else was great. So part of the problem she believes was the lexapro.lexapro helped me soooooo much while I needed it but I'm so over taking meds!! Not to mention all the unpleasant side effects from Lexapro. 2 weeks ago mye weening process started. It's been a bit tough but I am hanging in there! I only have 3-4 more weeks to go!!! So, my next goal is to SHED THIS WEIGHT THAT'S WEIGHING ME DOWN!!! I was 96lbs in amazing physical condition when I got pregnant. My goal is not to be 96lbs but my goal is to slim down tremendously and just be healthier. I want to be comfortable in my own skin again, I started a 12 week live fit jamie eason workout program that's free!!! I am determined! Funny thing is that's people always tell me I don't need to lose weight! Well...... I took pics of me now that won't post until I am done but I'm pretty dang sure they will retract their comment and say OH MY yes u did need to lose weight!!! Clothes hide ALOT especially when u work so hard to hide it. I am determined to make a lifestyle change again! And determine to be ME again. No Lexapro and no extra weight!